America’s Great Awakenings
American History – The Great Awakenings
If you have not studied the true history of the United States, you may not be aware that the America has experienced two Great Awakenings (and several minor awakenings). An awakening can be described as a time when a large number of people, in a specific area or country, become aware of the truth of the Bible. Their eyes are opened not only to their sinful state, but also to the grace of God. During an Awakening, vast numbers of people from all walks of life show fervent repentance and gain a renewed interest in living a moral life. This leads to the study of the Holy Bible and righteous laws being passed. In some cities, crime is almost non-existent because the people have a reverent fear of God. This leads to peace and prosperrity in the land.
Click here for an overview of the First Great Awakening, which was a precursor to the Declaration of Independence and the founding of America as a sovereign nation. Here is another video about the impact of the First Great Awakening and how revival changed the culture of this nation.
Click here for an overview of the Second Great Awakening, which impacted America and stressed personal responsibility.
Many people in America today, are praying for a Third Great Awakening. If God answered the prayers of those praying before the other two awakenings, will he not also answer our prayers?