Journey on the Ancient Path – The Way of the Shepherd
Chapter 8 – Days of Awe
In this chapter, Josiah goes to the Jewish Temple for the first time, in order to celebrate the Day of Atonement. This was the only day of the year that the High Priest could enter into the most holy place in the Temple, the Holy of Holies. The Priest entered to offer the blood of the animal sacrifice, in hopes that the innocent blood would atone for the sins of the people. Why was only the High Priest allowed into this area of the Temple? What was the prophetic significance of that law?
Thought Provoking Journey:
- During the time of Yeshua (Jesus), the name of God (YHVH in Hebrew) was holy and only spoken by the High Priest and only spoken on special occasions.
- Today, the true pronunciation of YHVH is unknown. Some people think it may be Yahweh, Yehovah, Yahavah or Yiwah; but no one knows for sure.
- The famous High Priestly Blessing can be found in the Bible in Numbers 6:24-26. This blessing was once spoken only by the High Priest. Now, this blessing is spoken by many people, over their family.
- The Feast of Trumpets is also known as Rosh HaShana. Is it possible this feast, with the blowing of the trumpets, foreshadows the coming rapture of the church, when trumpets are blown? The earlier four feasts (in the spring and summer) foreshadowed events which have already occurred. These events occurred in the exact order of the spring and summer feasts. If this pattern continues, the Feast of Trumpets is the next prophetic feast to be fulfilled.
- Yom Kippur, which follows the Feast of Trumpets, is known as the Day of Atonement; a day of judgement for past sins. Is it possible this feast foreshadows the coming judgement day in heaven, known as the Great White Throne Judgement?
- Jewish tradition states that God created Adam and placed him in the Garden of Eden. They believe the location of this garden was Jerusalem. They also believe God took dirt from the Temple Mount to create Adam.
- Currently, on the Temple Mount, a building called the Dome of the Rock stands were the ancient Jewish Temple once stood. The Foundation Stone, where the Ark of the Covenant once stood, is in the center of this building.
- Jewish tradition states the Foundation Stone is where God told Abraham to take Isaac for the sacrifice.