Journey on the Ancient Path – The Way of the Shepherd
Chapter 10 – Firefall
In this chapter, the shepherds find baby Jesus, wrapped in swaddling clothes and laying in a manager, just as the angel said. The prophecy of the Messiah’s birth, in their home town, was prophesied hundreds of years earlier. But God is always faithful to fulfill HIs word, even if it takes thousands of years. The arrival and presence of God is often associated with fire; for God is a consuming fire!
Thought Provoking Journey:
- There are over 100 prophecies in the Hebrew Bible (the Tanakh or Old Testament) about the birth and life of the promised Messiah of Israel.
- The Spirit of God can reveal, to an individual, what has been hidden in scripture. God can also use dreams and visions to reveal Himself to those who seek him.
- When Yeshua was born, a supernatural light (a star) appeared over the place where he was born. When a Passover sheep was born, a torch was taken to the top of the tower to announce the birth. The star, in essence, announced the birth of the new born lamb of God.
- One of the messages of the Bible is that ordinary people, had supernatural encounters, with God or his angels. These encounters changed the destiny of the person, his descendants and sometimes entire nations.
- Noah – God told him to build an ark even though it had never rained.
- Abraham – God told him to leave where he lived, for a place God would show him.
- Jacob – Had a dream and saw angels coming down and going up to heaven.
- Joseph – Had a dream that he would be a ruler one day.
- Moses – Had a ‘burning bush’ encounter when God spoke to him.
- Isaiah – Had a vision and saw God ‘high and lifted up’ in heaven and gave many prophecies about the Messiah.
- Elijah – Was taken by a whirlwind into heaven, without dying.
- In the Bible, God is sometimes described as fire. The prophet Ezekiel has a vision of God sitting on the throne. He states that from His waist down, God appeared as fire. (Ezekiel 1:27)
- Seraphim are a special class of angels who are associated with fire and burning; their focus is to worship God and serve in His presence.
- A supernatural experience which is from God, will align with the Word of God. It will never contradict the Word of God, nor the character of God.