Journey on the Ancient Path – The Way of the Shepherd
Chapter 15 – The Golden Glow of Glory
In this chapter, Josiah tells his father about the young child who was teaching in the Temple. Could this be Yeshua, the Messiah, the baby born twelve years earlier? Later, Josiah has another dream of a city with a golden glow. What does his dream mean? He finds out a few days later when tragedy strikes.
Thought Provoking Journey:
- The Hebrew word for sky, or heaven, is ‘shamayim’ and its form is plural. Why is this a plural word? Maybe it is because there are three different heavens? The scriptures mention the first heaven (which is the earthly sky), the second heaven (which is the natural, outer space) and the third heaven (where God lives).
- When Yeshua (Jesus) was born, he fulfilled every prophecy in the Tanakh (the Old Testament), concerning the birth of the Jewish Messiah.
- How many other ancient prophecies did Jesus fulfill when he became an adult?
- Yeshua (Jesus) is the most famous Jew that has every lived.
- The Christian religion is a mono-theistic religion, which means a belief in only one supreme God who is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient.
- When Yeshua was born, he literally split time in half. The calendar we use today is divided into the years before Jesus was born and the years after he was born.