Links To Other Lessons and Videos

Links To Misc Lessons By N. G. Carraway
Click here to access a lesson about the 153 fish. Why do the scriptures tell us the exact number of fish which were caught, after Jesus tells them to fish from the other side of the boat? Is there a hidden message in the number of fish?
Click here to access a lesson about the Shekinah Glory of God in the Old Testament. What does it mean when the scriptures use the phrase ‘the face of God‘ or ‘the Word of the Lord‘? This lesson is longer than most, but contains very interesting information you have probably not heard any where else. Learn this and much more in this amazing lesson.
Click here to access a lesson about the Shekinah Glory of God in the New Testament. Learn what a Jewish rabbi said 2,000 years ago about the Shekinah cloud of God’s presence in Herod’s Temple. And learn the truth about the second coming of Christ in the clouds of heaven with power and glory.
Recommended Books, Websites And Videos
The author would like to recommend the books and websites listed below. However, the author does not recommend all related content, by the same person or organization, because all content has not yet been reviewed. But, the author thought these might be helpful to you on your journey.
If you were raised in a Jewish culture:
- The author recommends the book called “They Thought for Themselves: Ten Amazing Jews” by Sid Roth.
- The website has helpful information. They also have a YouTube channel called One For Israel, with numerous videos containing personal testimonies of Jewish people from every walk of life.
- The website offers a chat option and staff who will answer your questions.
- The website is a website for a Messianic congregation in Wayne, New Jersey, USA where Rabbi Jonathan Cahn is the leader.
If you were raised in a Muslim culture, the author recommends the book called “Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus: A Devout Muslim Encounters Christianity” by Nabeel Qureshi and Lee Strobel.
If you were raised in a Hindu culture, the author recommends the book called “Death of a Guru” by Rabi R. Maharaj.
If you have questions about how to become a Christian, the website listed below, and many other websites, can help answer your questions:
You may also reach out to us from the Contact page.
Shown below is a link to a full length video (Jesus of Nazareth) based of the life of Jesus Christ. It is a fairly accurate account based on the scriptures in the Holy Bible. But, as with most movies about Jesus, there are some conversations and scenes which were created to dramatize the events in scripture. The Holy Bible does not record every conversation and every detail about the life of Jesus. For all the books in the world could not contain everything he did.
Click here to open a new window and watch the movie.