New – End Times, Rapture, Anti-Christ, Tribulation, etc.
The End Times, Rapture, Anti-Christ, the Tribulation, etc.
The subject of the ‘end times’, and everything that is associated with it, would take several pages to try to explore. Rather than me trying to tell you what the ‘end times’ are and what happens during the end times, shown below are links to videos and lessons which discuss these topics. I don’t know if any one person has all of the answers, but the videos are interesting to watch and to learn what might happen. Of course everything is subject to change as technology makes huge advances and new information is discovered, such as the information found within the Dead Sea Scrolls. For God said that ‘nothing happens in the world unless he first tells his prophets’. New links will be added in the future, so come back and see what is new. You might want to also subscribe to my newsletter (this can be done at the bottom of the home page) for my latest teaching.
Click here to access a lesson about the Alien Threat. Is it possible that this is the great deception that Jesus spoke of?
Click here for information about the most devastating volcanic eruptions around the world. When a volcano erupts with a high magnitude, it affects the entire world, not just the local area.
Click here for information about some of the deadliest wars that have taken place around the world. This will give you some idea of what the future holds when a major world war breaks out.
Click here for a video about the COVID world pandemic and the number of deaths reported. Some people believe that the COVID virus was man-made. If it was made my man (in gain of function research), are there more to come?