Journey on the Ancient Path – The Way of the Shepherd
Chapter 13 – Not ‘Til Then
In this chapter, Josiah will learn about the two Messiahs which are mentioned in the Old Testament. These seemingly two different Messiahs have resulted in some people believing that there would be two different men, each fulfilling different prophecies spoken in the Old Testament. Christians believe that there is only one Messiah, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He came the first time as a suffering servant, but will come a second time as a conquering King. In this chapter, Josiah has a dream and he hears a song. The sad truth is that until Jesus, the Messiah, returns to rule over the earth, there will never be lasting peace. The words from the chorus are shown below. To see the words of the entire song and to listen to an audio recording of this song, click here.
When our Messiah comes
With a scepter in His hand
With power and authority
That no one can withstand
He will sit upon His throne and bring peace throughout the land
We will live in harmony, but not ’til then…
Thought Provoking Journey:
- For thousands of years, Jewish scholars have debated the prophecies of a redeemer for their people, the anointed one called the Messiah.
- During the time of Herod’s Temple, the Jewish people were looking for a military or a political leader to deliver them from Roman oppression, and then rule as their king.
- After the Jewish Holy Temple was destroyed in 70 AD, and the Jews were scattered throughout the world, some began to look for a personal Messiah to end their suffering and to bring them back to Israel.
- Traditional Judaism teaches there may be two Messiahs; Messiah, son of Joseph (the suffering servant) and Messiah, son of David (the conquering king).
- Are there other prophecies about Israel and the Jewish people which have not yet been fulfilled?