The Young Scholar – Chapter 14

Journey on the Ancient Path – The Way of the Shepherd

Chapter 14 – The Young Scholar

In this chapter, Jesus (Yeshua) is in the Temple, at twelve years of age. His wisdom amazing the learned elders and rabbis. Did Jesus already know he was the Son of God? Did he know what would happen at Passover when he became an adult?

Thought Provoking Journey:

  • In the Jewish tradition, by the age of twelve, boys have learned right and wrong from the Torah; they are now accountable for their decisions and actions.
  • There are no scriptures, in the Bible, which describe Yeshua’s childhood, other than the story when he is twelve years old in the Temple. 
  • Bible scholars believe that Yeshua (Jesus) was taught to obey the Torah commandments, to observe the Sabbath and to celebrate the seven annual feasts which God ordained in Leviticus. As such, each year, he would have traveled to Jerusalem for the three required pilgrimage feasts (Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles). Each feast had a hidden prophetic meaning; Passover foreshadowed the crucifixion of Jesus. Pentecost foreshadowed the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on His disciples. Tabernacles foreshadows a time when God will live in the midst of his people.
  • What do the other feasts foreshadow?